Cynthia's Pursuits

Cynthia's Pursuits

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Avoid Stress at Work!

Whether you work in an office with other people or work at can be stressful.

I know working at home can be more stressful for some because there is such a feeling of isolation. There is no lunch break with friends, or breaks by the water cooler. 
Normally, when someone that works from home takes a break, they throw in a load of laundry or empty the dishwasher...alone.

Here are some great TIPS to reduce stress while working:

*DON'T OVERLOAD- stick to a schedule and realistic goals.

*TAKE BREAKS-just because you're at home doesn't mean that you are letting things go. You work just as hard as those outside the home. Don't allow anyone make you think working from home is a cake walk. Take breaks and really do it... walk outside...listen to some music...whatever it your mind.

*TAKE DEEP BREATHS- try it, it really works!

*BE SOCIAL- when work is done for the day... call a friend, go to the mall with your sister...anything...don't go into a shell.

*TALK WITH CO-WORKERS- this may be difficult when working from home, but if you can do a side chat or indulge in a forum about work...then do it.

*ENJOY LIFE OUTSIDE OF WORK -take up a hobby, spend time with your family...don't stay in bed your entire time off. Get out and do something you love to do!

*STAY HEALTHY -eat right, exercise and get some restful sleep.

*LISTEN TO MUSIC WHILE YOU WORK -it's not always possible with some jobs, but of you can, put on some relaxing music or even nature sounds while  you work. Play it low and let it be in the background of your mind.

*BURN A CANDLE - studies have shown that the scent of vanilla and lavender are very soothing. Try to have an aroma around you. Also, gazing at the light of a flickering candle also relieves stress.

*LOWER THE CAFFEINE INTAKE - as much as you want to...try not to overdo the caffeine. Stimulants work against you and make you jittery and nervous.

*AVOID TRIGGERS -if you know what triggers your anxiety or stress, try to avoid it. If you have a manager that you don't like...try to get another one. If there is someone you don't care for, try to avoid them... learn what pushes your buttons and try to eliminate the possibility of triggering those anxieties and/or stresses.


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